Author Archives: Kathy Sanny

The Pearl of Great Price

November 14, 2015 What if you are passing up the most important information that has ever been made available to you, because you think you have all the answers already? When we come to recognize that we have a Creator, then we owe our hearts and our being to Him.  We owe it to Him […]

Idle Words

July 20, 2015 A story traveling around the Internet goes something like this:  Here is a picture of a dog trapped in a vehicle on a (company name removed) parking lot, and when an assistant manager called the police, the assistant manager lost their job.  This has multiple thousands of “likes” and is shared by […]

Do Not Despise Your Parents When They Are Old

April 9, 2015 Prov:23:22 Listen to your father who begot you, And do not despise your mother when she is old. Could we be guilty of despising our parents? The word despise in Strong’s H936-Hold in contempt, hold as insignificant. Hold as insignificant.  That phrase set me back.  I had to ask myself if I had been […]

Spontaneous Generation and Evolution

February 18, 2015 Encyclopedia Britannica: “Spontaneous Generation, the hypothetical process by which living organisms develop from nonliving matter; also, the archaic theory that utilized this process to explain the origin of life. According to this theory, pieces of cheese and bread wrapped in rags and left in a dark corner, for example, were thus thought to produce […]

The Ice Bucket Challenge

September 5, 2014 Who on this planet has not heard or seen the in-your-face ice bucket challenges to raise money for ALS? I know my friends, cousins, and co-workers from almost every state in the United States, along with many celebrities’, have been caught up in bringing this most debilitating disease to light. I have […]

Why I Keep the Saturday Sabbath

August 27, 2014 Why would anyone keep the Saturday Sabbath in the year 2014 and in Northwest Arkansas even? Isn’t it an archaic law that was done away with? These are the reasons why I keep the Sabbath holy and attend Sabbath services every week in Cave Springs, Arkansas: 1. Because it was instituted at […]

Thoughts On, “Iron Sharpens Iron”

August 12, 2014 Proverbs:27:17 reads, “As iron sharpens iron, So a man sharpens the countenance of his friend.” Many quote this scripture to say you are using abrasion to smooth off each other’s rough edges. A deeper look shows that may not be what the Proverb is saying. We tend to see this scripture in […]

The Blue Copper

March 17, 2014 Springtime in Gravette, Arkansas, is welcomed by a variety of butterflies. Last year in one particular area of our yard I could walk by and a flurry of tiny, bright blue butterflies would flash their blue wings and then seem to disappear. I grabbed my camera to try to get pictures, but […]

Love Song or Sirens’ Song

March 9, 2014 There are two types of messages available to all Christians.  To which one are you tuned?  Do you see the glitter and glamour of entertaining churches and all that they offer or the simplicity of the truth of God that is changeless and timeless through the ages? The Holy Bible is God’s […]