Member Interview: Meet Kathy

We would like to introduce you to Kathy, one of our photographers, bloggers, and nature watcher.

Image of KathyInterviewer: Kathy, tell us a little about yourself.

Kathy: I have five children and seven grandchildren. I work for Walmart Corporate and I am the wife of Greg Sanny.

Interviewer: What do you think is the most important lesson you’ve learned in life?

Kathy: I no longer judge God and the Bible by what men say or do. Just because others misrepresent Him, it does not change who He is and His purpose for mankind. He is still the same yesterday, today and forever.

Interviewer: What has been your biggest trial and how has God worked it out? Return to “About” Page…

Kathy: It actually ties in with the first answer-I lost faith in the Bible and became angry with God because of what men said and did. God patiently waited and loved me until I was able to see what He has said all along-that He wants a relationship with us and has loved us from the beginning.

Interviewer: Please tell me your story about how you came to be in the church and how it has changed your life.

Kathy: I was born into an extremely poor family. My parents were educated, intelligent,talented people, but our lives were nearly destroyed because of alcoholism. My sister and I, who were brought up in the church, chose a different path than our siblings and have a better life because of it. We were exposed to a completely different way of living that strove for excellence in all things and to be givers rather than takers.

Interviewer: What is your favorite scripture and why?

Kathy: I have had many favorites over the years, but this is the one that resonates most with me right now because I can feel the love from God that is in it when He told Moses and Aaron to say it:

Num. 6: 24 The Lord bless you and keep you;
25 The Lord make His face shine upon you,
And be gracious to you;
26 The Lord lift up His countenance upon you,
And give you peace.

Interviewer: What is your best church memory?

Kathy: The day my husband was baptized.

Interviewer: Is there anything else you’d like to say in this interview?

Kathy: My path has not always been easy and has taken many crooks and turns. I have been forgiven of much and I am still growing and overcoming. This is a lifelong journey and some of us are less advanced than others, but we do not look down on each other’s weaknesses. I feel I am free to be myself and even if it exposes that I am weak, I do not feel condemned. We are all concerned for the ultimate salvation of everyone in our group because we are all a part of the body. Return to “About” Page…

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